The new me

The new me
Tyrrels Wood

Friday 3 January 2014

The new year has arrived - 2014 here we come!!!!!

Okay so.............Christmas was a jolly festive time and a very joyful occassion with my brothers and their wives. We all enjoyed it and I loved every minute of it. New Years Eve was incredible and an awsome party indeed with my Best freind who I havent spent a new years with for the last 5 or 6 years. It was very special indeed.

My family from the UK arrive in February and boy oh boy is that going to be Great!!! Cannot wait to see my mom, sister, brother in law , neice and nephew. First time the family will all be together for over a year now. Super excited!!!!

Hayzel's birthday end of January so party party party when they arrive.

On the romance side of things.......some particular individual has sparked my interest.....but actually I got his first which is how I found him.....well he found me and started talking to me. He seems super stoaked by me and I might just plan a trip to go see him. He stays in Cape Town and is one of the most incredible persons that I have been inspired by for a long time.

He is super hot too, but lets not be materialistic shall we ally. :)

He says the perfect things at the perfect moments and it gets right into my gut............However I wont allow my self to fall inlove. (Not for now that is....)

Remember Ally.... (Level head)

Any how, thats all for now.


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