So Mom and the family arrive for a visit from the UK next week Monday. So cannot wait. It is going to be a very busy 2 weeks and it is going to be so great to see them all. The last time I saw my mommy was in 2012. Its going to be so weird but so nice. I hope their stay here will be nice for them and I really hope they have a splended time.
There is a possibility I could have a date tomorrow night with a chap I have been speaking to for about 3 months. I have never mentioned him before because we dont speak that often but we have recently started opening up to each other. I havent been quite sure about him since the beginning but he really wants to be my freind so I am not going to be shallow and will give my self the chance to give him a chance to prove him self. As they always say, you can never judge a character over the internet so I need to give this a try and see if there is any chemistry. I will only drink coffee and keep a mature clear mind about the whole thing.
I will handle it well I am sure.
Work is quite busy at the moment but I am concentrating well and getting a lot done. I have a deadline for certain things but I am working productively. Only had 4 smoke breaks today and sometimes I wish I could keep it like that every day before I get into trouble.
Any how, will take it easy tonight and try relax now for the evening.
Hope I do have a good week.
Strength to me Ally. you can do it !!!!!
Of course you can do it ... you ARE doing it! Well done on your date, I didn't realise he was an interweb pal, that's nice that you have met someone online and he didn't turn out to be a complete troll. Love you, can't wait until next Monday xxxx