The new me

The new me
Tyrrels Wood

Wednesday, 2 July 2014

Tyrrels Wood 2 July 2014 with Mum

So me and mum went into County Council today to organize the bus route for me to get to and home from work. That is now all sorted out and I catch the 36 into Town with a 15 minute walk up the road to work. I have a quit-smoking appointment booked with the Health Centre on Thursday this week to get advice and information on how to quit the habbit. Went into Town with mom yesterday and was in complete aww about how awsome the shops are here. I have already started mentaly spending my First pay cheque before its even been received. haha. Today we went into Tyrrels wood and went for a walk through the Lush green forest. Photos herewith below. How its complete Green beauty had me in Wonder Land......


  1. Your pics are nice, why did you steal mine as well! :) Nice pictures you took though.

  2. Your pics were nicer than mine :) thats why I stole them hehehe. I saved the ones I took to your comp though so you also have them xxxx
