The new me

The new me
Tyrrels Wood

Monday 30 June 2014

Arrival in the UK 1st June 2014

Okay Okay, So my dreams followed suite and I arrived safely and happily in Great Britain on the 1st June. The flight was good and no hassles besides taking a sleeping tablet and waking up high as a kite from the tablet been too strong for my body.  My luggage had an hours delay coming through but not too much of serious hassles after going through the Gates and to my rescue was Hayzel and Kev. Took a 2 hour drive to Long Stratton where home is and met my mom and the kids with tears of joy in my eyes. Things had been GO GO GO since landing and all in one week, I got my NI Number sorted out, signed on with the NHS and opened a bank account. I had been on a 2 week go slow holiday when first arriving but in my 3rd week things started happening with work prospects. I have last week Thursday gone for an interview with the Norfolk County Council and was offered the position on Friday!!!! How excited I was and shaking when I was given the news. The new job been a Business Service Assistant and my Boss looks really nice to work with, her name been Elaine. Sincere warm hearted women. She obviously liked me really well because it took her one day to make a decision and she chose me. I didnt even need to go for a 2nd interview.

Any how, I have been on many Excursions in around Norfolk, Gt Yarmoth, Hemsby beach, Diss and Norwich City Centre since been here. This place is really beautiful and I have seriously been over whelmed with Joy, Excitement and Luck on my side. I came at the perfect time of year because it is now summer and the wheather has welcomed me with open arms.

I am really blessed and it is so nice to have my mom and Sister back in my life.


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