The new me

The new me
Tyrrels Wood

Monday, 6 April 2015

Welcome to my hell

So to pick up where I left off from, I have since resigned from Hethersett and started care work at a new care home in Long Stratton close to home. I amnot enjoying it because the staff are bossy and the residents are difficult and nasty. Makes me miss working at Hethersett and makes me wish I was back there. But because I have no transport to get to Hethersett anymore, I had to seek new work and luckerly I managed to get offered new work at the care home in Long Stratton. It is a 20 minute walk and I am trying to slowly settle in. Not sure when I will start enjoying the new environment and if my days will get any better.

I have had another fight with my mom today and I after a nasty email she sent me a few weeks ago attacking every ounce of character in me I have decided to not bother anymore. I am done and I have told her this. There is no mutual respect and I am constantly spoken to like a 15 year old. I do not get spoken to the same way as she speaks to my sister and she doesnt look at me like a friend. I am a burden to her or a piece of shit and I dont know why. I dont know what Ive done to be underminded and spoken to like a slave. I have no freindship with her and there is just one big personality clash. We just dont get on.

I have since my last post on my blog had a date with the Scientist. Ive had a couple actually and he still speaks to me. Im not sure when I will see him again but we are both taking things slow with each other. He is really nice and I seem to have a good understanding with him. I am still trying to learn more about him but Im sure that will come with time. He lives in Diss and his name is Matt. 

Any way, today is a depressing day for me so I am not going to write alot. I just thought I would update my blog and get things off my chest. Who knows when things will get better between me and my mom........