The new me

The new me
Tyrrels Wood

Wednesday, 12 March 2014


Okay, So I want to get on a plane and leave SA now. Ive had enough. I am losing interest in  work and I just want to go now, but time is against me. If plans go accordingly, I will be landing in Heathrow in June or July sometime. For my sake, I hope plans stay like this.

Need to tender my resignation when I get the go ahead from my mom so time time all Im waiting for.


Sunday, 2 March 2014

The Fan of mine

Just out of interest, that fan of mine that I have, the one who keeps reading my should post to me? I am flattered that you come here often............xxxxxx

Life goes on....Deal with it

So my mom and the family have returned to the UK (their home) and I am back to work after a week and half' s leave. Work is very busy and I did stock take this weekend.

Deleted my dating profile off the internet and have no more interest in pursueing any searches.

Communication barriers are not good with my journo friend and he has made it clear he has no interest in me. So have been a bit flat about that. What a dooshbag.

Dont hear much from the Accountant but the last time he said things were' nt going good for him. So will let him be for now and will be thinking of him.

We are moving in 2 weeks into the new house.

I am still a bit edgy from my emotional and mental issues but coping as best I can. Work is my happy place. If I could take a sleeping bag I would stay at work. Seems to be the best place for me right now.

Ronnie has finally left the country because his number does' nt work anymore and he did' nt even say good bye. He has left my stuff at his sisters house and I don' t know how to get hold of him to get my grandmothers things back. I have tried to email him and need to wait for a reply.


Back to the Grind Stone tomorrow. :)