The new me

The new me
Tyrrels Wood

Thursday 3 July 2014

Off to See the Wizzard, The Wonderful Wizzard of Oz

So I took a 5 minute walk up the road to the NHS health centre today for a Quit-smoking appointment. Was told that just coming to the appointment is an achievement on its own because most people dont even go. I have been given a script for a cigarette smoke mechanism which is almost like a vapour cigarette but its not. When you suck on it, it only releases nicotene into the system and is only used when I have the urge to have a cigarette in my hands and mouth. Very clever idea. I have also been given a script for a 16hr cycle of the patch 2 week supply. I will begin my quest on Monday Morning the 7th July before I go to work and hopefully can try go the whole day without a cigarette. I will also be buying nicorette Lozingers to have up in the gum which helps surpress the nicotene craving. My quest will begin on Monday and hopefully I will try to see and achieve some successful results. Been at work during this quest will help because sitting at home gives me the urge to light up.

Good Luck Ally and lets see you do this...............

Wednesday 2 July 2014

Tyrrels Wood 2 July 2014 with Mum

So me and mum went into County Council today to organize the bus route for me to get to and home from work. That is now all sorted out and I catch the 36 into Town with a 15 minute walk up the road to work. I have a quit-smoking appointment booked with the Health Centre on Thursday this week to get advice and information on how to quit the habbit. Went into Town with mom yesterday and was in complete aww about how awsome the shops are here. I have already started mentaly spending my First pay cheque before its even been received. haha. Today we went into Tyrrels wood and went for a walk through the Lush green forest. Photos herewith below. How its complete Green beauty had me in Wonder Land......